Legal Profession


BigLaw screws over workers, including its own

Corporate law firms literally invented the types of coercive contracts that keep workers from enforcing their civil rights—and they’re even using them against their own employees, including non-attorney staff. We’re fighting back against the secret clauses that let BigLaw avoid accountability for its harassment and discrimination epidemic.


End harassment & discrimination in the judiciary

Workplace harassment and discrimination is pervasive—even in the judiciary, the very branch of government charged with ensuring equal protection of the law. We’re holding the judiciary and our law schools accountable for their role in perpetuating a system in which abuse of power goes unchecked.


Helping lawyers do justice with their careers

When prestige, power, and student debt push the majority of law school graduates into corporate interest work, something has gone terribly wrong. We believe all students deserve the opportunity to do justice with their careers, and we’re here to help by building a community of law students and lawyers committed to the public interest.


Student debt exacerbates inequality in the law

The average debt after law school graduation is $148,800, and this burden is disproportionately borne by first-generation students and students of color. We must eliminate student debt to achieve equity in the legal profession.


Ensuring lawyers do right by working people

At least in theory, lawyers have ethical obligations, including not assisting clients in breaking the law or harming others. One way we’re raising standards in the profession is by holding accountable the lawyers who engineered or defended the Trump Administration’s attacks on civil rights, immigrants, workers’ rights, the climate, and democracy itself.


Abolish the bar exam & other barriers

Following the lead of advocates like United for Diploma Privilege, we support abolishing the racist, classist, ableist bar exam in favor of diploma privilege—in addition to tearing down other barriers to the profession.

The Latest

From our work to change the legal profession for the better.

Urging Senate Leadership to End Qualified Immunity

Urging Senate Leadership to End Qualified Immunity

The People’s Parity Project is proud to join nearly 90 organizations that seek to advance civil rights and government accountability in urging the Senate to end qualified immunity and restore the full force of our civil rights laws that provide accountability when government officials deprive individuals of their rights.

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Recording: Unpacking Public Interest Law Panel

Recording: Unpacking Public Interest Law Panel

On April 14th at 6:00 p.m. ET/3:00 p.m. PT, PPP held a panel aimed at unpacking "public interest" lawyering. Too often, we see that law students are told that there are two paths as an attorney: corporate practice, or public interest work. Rarely is the umbrella...

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Sign Our Open Letter: #QuitFedSoc

Sign Our Open Letter: #QuitFedSoc

By now you’ve heard a lot about the insurrection attempt carried out at the U.S. Capitol by white supremacists on January 6.What you may not have heard is that members of the Federalist Society—an organization that sits at the heart of the conservative legal...

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