The legal profession has long been captured by corporate interests. As a result, we have a legal system built to serve those same interests, rather than the everyday people most in need of justice. This corporate capture begins as soon as law students arrive on campus; rarely, if ever, do those campuses have well-organized and adequately-supported forces pushing back against this capture. In order to effectively challenge the pro-corporate nature of the legal profession, organizing efforts are needed on two fronts. First, the culture on law school campuses must change so that pro-corporate work is no longer seen as politically and morally neutral, but rather understood as something that actively harms already marginalized and vulnerable people. Second, pro-people, public-interest careers need to be more accessible for students and recent graduates who, even when interested in pro-people work, often find that pro-corporate legal jobs are their only practical option.

That’s why the People’s Parity Project is thrilled to announce the launch of its inaugural Leadership Fellows cohort.

Dedicated organizers on individual law school campuses who are properly identified, trained, and supported can effectively build a legal culture that is pro-people, not pro-corporate. PPP will be launching a pilot program during the 2022–23 academic year in which 5–10 rising 2Ls on law school campuses across the country are selected to join the first cohort of PPP Leadership Fellows. This is an anticipated two-year commitment, with the fellowship completing in May 2024.

These Fellows will be the beneficiaries of significant investment from PPP: they will participate in a retreat in Atlanta, GA in early September and attend a customized quarterly speaker series, receive a dedicated mentor and significant career support, build organizing and advocacy skills and connections to like-minded individuals both on and beyond their individual campuses, and be eligible for externship credit with PPP.

A significant amount will also be asked of Fellows: each will be expected to dedicate 10–15 hours per week during the academic year (except during finals periods) to leading organizing efforts on their campus to end the corporate capture of the legal profession. Fellows will work with the PPP staff team to choose 1–3 campaigns to prioritize during the year; sample campaigns include enacting right to counsel policies at the state or local level, building a state court advocacy program, or enacting innovative law school funding programs at the individual school level.

To join our inaugural cohort of Leadership Fellows, please submit this application by 11:59 p.m. ET on Friday, August 5th. All applicants will also need to send a resume and two letters of recommendation (which can be sent directly by your recommenders) to Steve Kennedy, PPP’s Organizing & Network Director, at