Class of 2026 Leadership Fellows

Class of 2026 Leadership Fellows

The legal profession has long been captured by corporate interests. As a result, we have a legal system built to serve those same interests, rather than the everyday people most in need of justice. This corporate capture begins as soon as law students arrive on...

State Courts Fellowship

The legal profession has long been captured by powerful interests, favoring corporate and state power over ordinary people. As a result, we have a legal system built to serve those same interests, rather than the everyday people most in need of justice. This capture...
Time for a Pro-People CT Supreme Court

Time for a Pro-People CT Supreme Court

The People’s Parity Project and a coalition of twenty organizations, including the Alliance for Justice, American Constitution Society, League of Conservation Voters, Lambda Legal, and the CT Pro-People Judiciary Coalition recently sent an open letter calling on...
People’s Parity Project Statement on Gaza

People’s Parity Project Statement on Gaza

Over the last several weeks, PPP has mourned the many civilian lives lost and the continuing suffering of the people of Palestine and Israel. We condemn both the murder and kidnapping of Israeli civilians by Hamas and the ongoing bombardment, siege, and soon-to-come...